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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:18    点击次数:94

湖颂丹青府售楼处电话:400-8878-824杭州余杭湖颂丹青府售楼处电话:400-8878-824杭州最新购房政策已出,放开限购了!项目基本情况【项目地址】:16号线中泰站地铁D口200米【建筑面积】:约10万方【建筑设计】: 致逸设计【景观设计】: 观己景观设计公司【室内设计】: 矩阵纵横【产品规划】:容积率2.3,绿化率35%,7幢小高层+1幢洋房【品牌】:椿实,金地,方远【面积总价】:99-103㎡,200万起✅首开楼幢共计246套3#/4#/6#共计192套(中间102方/边套103方)9#共计54套100方(唯一一幢7层洋房,1T2h)精装限价22900元/㎡,3站绿汀路,抢占未科稀缺地铁盘湖颂丹青府,具体位于地铁16号线中泰站(D口)往南约200米,地铁三站即可达绿汀路站TOD(万象城),也可换乘3/5号线畅连全城。Lake Song Danqing Mansion is located about 200 meters south of Zhongtai Station (exit D) of Metro Line 16. You can reach Luting Road Station TOD (Vientiane City) in three subway stops, or you can transfer to Line 3/5 to connect the whole city.值得一提的是,丹青府是目前大未科在售唯一的200万级地铁盘,正宗的地铁盘,且紧邻商业综合体,更显稀缺珍贵!It is worth mentioning that Danqingfu is the only 2 million-level subway plate currently on sale in Daweike, an authentic subway plate, and it is close to the commercial complex, which is even more scarce and precious!湖颂丹青府是金地首创的“丹青”系列,将建筑与美学的现代生活相结合,表现宋式闲适淡雅、宁静飘逸的轻柔庄重之美。Lake Song Danqing Mansion is a series of "Danqing" initiated by Jindi, which combines architecture with aesthetic modern life, showing the gentle and solemn beauty of Song-style leisure and elegant, quiet and elegant.项目介绍:项目坐落在余杭城南,由矩阵上海倾力打造,顺应了宋代文化“大道至简”的设计理念,以当时流行的器物之美,花艺之美,形体简洁为美,创造空间的万千可能。Project Description: The project is located in the south of Yuhang City, and is built by Matrix Shanghai. It conforms to the design concept of "Avenue to Simplicity" in the Song Dynasty culture, and creates a myriad of possibilities for space with the beauty of utensils, flowers and simple shapes that were popular at that time.湖颂丹青府是金地首创的“丹青”系列,将建筑与美学的现代生活相结合,表现宋式闲适淡雅、宁静飘逸的轻柔庄重之美。Lake Song Danqing Mansion is a series of "Danqing" initiated by Jindi, which combines architecture with aesthetic modern life, showing the gentle and solemn beauty of Song-style leisure and elegant, quiet and elegant.相比于雍容富贵的唐色,宋韵更像的裹挟着江南烟雨的底色,诞育了大量或婉约、或豪放、或清丽的艺术作品,其清简的文化气质在华夏文化中更是独树一帜。Compared with the graceful and rich color of Tang Dynasty, Song Yun is more like the background color of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and has produced a large number of graceful, bold and beautiful works of art, and its simple cultural temperament is unique in Chinese culture.项目亮点:不做仿古的设计,而是溯源宋式的精髓、提形取意,以现代人的五感融古诉今。Highlights of the project: instead of antique design, it traces back to the essence of Song style, raises the form and takes the meaning, and blends the ancient with the present with the five senses of modern people.示范区空间融汇为一幅展开的长卷,以三进院结构强调游走的空间秩序。The space of the demonstration area is merged into a long scroll, and the spatial order of wandering is emphasized by the structure of three courtyards绵延的“山”演绎为大道至简的建筑形态,即是空间的舞台和骨架;“水景”和“树林”则是自然现代园林的演绎;“人”、 “屋”则将秩序、光影、色彩从风景延伸至室内。多专业浑然一体,用现代的设计语言转译,形成完整的《千里江山图》。The continuous "mountain" is interpreted as the architectural form from avenue to simplicity, which is the stage and skeleton of space; "Waterscape" and "Woods" are the deduction of natural modern gardens; "People" and "houses" extend order, light, shadow and color from the landscape to the interior. Multi-disciplines are integrated, translated in modern design language, forming a complete map of a thousand miles of mountains and rivers.随着各板块红盘陆续取证,杭州年末楼市收尾大战,正式打响。每个价位档的新房,都有自己的“六边形战士”,价格、产品、地段、配套均无短板。而要论受众面最广的刚需盘,2万+/㎡的新房领域,大城西的湖颂丹青府当之无愧坐稳头把交椅。On the other hand, in the field of newly-built houses with the widest audience and 20,000+/m 2, Husong Danqing House in the west of Dacheng deserves to take the top spot.用户的选择最为直观,项目10月首开即取得余杭单价2万+/㎡成交套数第一的地铁红盘(来自瑞达思云数据),亮点非常直观、明晰:The user's choice is the most intuitive. When the project was first opened in October, it won the first subway red disk with a unit price of 20,000+/m2 in Yuhang (from Ruidasiyun data), and the highlights were very intuitive and clear:刚需界的“扛把子”:精装限价2.29万/㎡,全盘小户型三房两卫开阔格局,总价仅约200万左右,首付低至30余万,低总价就能住进未科旁。"Shoubazi" just needed: the price limit of hardcover is 22,900/m2, and the overall small-sized apartment with three bedrooms and two bathrooms is open, with a total price of only about 2 million, and the down payment is as low as 300,000 yuan, so you can live next to the department at a low total price.周边配套(Peripheral matching)项目距离地铁16号线中泰站直线仅约200米,轻松换乘3、5号线,四通八达全杭各大核心商圈。The project is only about 200 meters away from Zhongtai Station on Metro Line 16, and it is easy to transfer to Lines 3 and 5, extending in all directions to all major core business districts in Hangzhou.小区北门正对体量约10万方中泰TOD新地标(在建),涵盖商业、办公、生态景观等多元场景,最新推售的11#与商业仅一街之隔,未来可以家门口就业、逛吃逛喝。The north gate of the residential area is opposite to the new landmark TOD (under construction) of Zhongtai with a mass of about 100,000 square meters, covering multiple scenes such as business, office, ecological landscape, etc. The newly promoted 11# is only across the street from the business, so you can find employment and go shopping and drinking at your doorstep in the future.湖颂丹青府周边配套参考示意图步行可达的范围内,还有国际名校杭州狄邦文理学校、中泰中心幼儿园、中泰中心小学、余杭中学中泰校区等。Within walking distance, there are also internationally renowned Hangzhou Dibang Literature and Science School, Zhongtai Central Kindergarten, Zhongtai Central Primary School and Yuhang Middle School Zhongtai Campus.向东而行可以更进一步感受都市繁华,地铁3站直达未科核心,华润万象城(在建)、国际体育中心、市民服务中心等新一代城市资源全面蜕变升级。Walking eastward can further feel the prosperity of the city, with three subway stations directly reaching the core, and the resources of a new generation of cities such as China Resources Vientiane City (under construction), International Sports Center and Citizen Service Center have been completely transformed and upgraded.未科产业能级有目共睹,作为未来科技城产业核心“三剑客”之一的南湖科学中心,承担城西科创大走廊创新策源地的功能,拥有之江实验室、菜鸟总部、上月刚刚建成的阿里巴巴达摩院南湖园区等。As one of the "Three Musketeers" in the future science and technology city industry, Nanhu Science Center undertakes the function of the innovation source of the Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the west of the city, with Zhijiang Laboratory, rookie headquarters, and the Nanhu Park of Alibaba Dharma Institute, which was just completed last month.湖颂丹青府周边产业示意图政府还耗资22亿重建升级南湖公园,环湖游步道、大草坪、芦苇荡、观景台......风光旖旎、四季宜人,秀丽可比西湖、野趣更胜西溪,如今每逢周末假期人潮汹涌,城市公园为生活增添无限乐趣。The government has also spent 2.2 billion yuan to rebuild and upgrade Nanhu Park, with scenic trails around the lake, big lawns, reeds and observation decks样板间示意图(Schematic diagram of model room)户型图鉴赏(Appreciation of floor plan)湖颂丹青府一房一价表(Hu Song Dan Qing Fu One Room One Price Table)湖颂丹青府售楼处电话:400-8878-824杭州余杭湖颂丹青府售楼处电话:400-8878-824【售楼热线】400-8878-824,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,地址,位置,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,一房一价,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询,最新房价价格面积房源折扣,楼盘信息资料项目介绍,售楼处位置电话,小区周边配套,最新购房政策,新房样板间户型图照片及交付时间)买房须知买房是一项重要的决策,需要仔细考虑和充分准备。以下是一些关键的建议:·确定需求和预算。首先判断自己是否有买房的需求,如孩子教育、家庭居住等。根据自己的资金状况、收入和支出等实际情况来确定适合的楼盘和价格。·考虑房子的品质和位置。选择信誉良好、资金成本低的开发商,尽量避免风险较大的民企。同时,考虑房子的品质、户型、周边环境等因素,选择适合自己的房子。·贷款与全款。如果条件允许,优先选择贷款购房,尽管30年的贷款期限内通货膨胀可能会减轻你的实际债务负担。·避免投资老旧学区房。避免投资没有实际居住属性的老旧房屋,尤其是学区房,需谨慎考虑其投资价值和居住实用性。·不要图便宜。避免因价格低廉而选择质量可疑的房屋,警惕全款要求和高额折扣背后的风险。·考虑二手次新房。相比期房,二手次新房相对安全,可以避免烂尾风险,同时也有较好的居住品质。·通过非传统渠道购买。利用除售楼部以外的其他渠道购买新房,如通过媒体、银行等团购活动购买,可能获得更优惠的价格。·合同签订。在签订购房合同时,建议请律师协助,以确保合法权益得到保障。·考虑贷款细节。在签订购房合同时,要明确贷款按揭办不下来时的处理方式以及违约责任及合同解除条件。这些建议可以帮助你做出更明智的购房决策。


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